


To protect man against destroying influences, either internally or externally, the menorgs developed a sense of feeling within him.

Feeling is established by pressure against the cells in which the menorgs are located and they in turn send their messages of what takes place in their different localities to the brain.

The extent of the disturbances caused by pressure, either temperature or otherwise, upon any part of the body is made known to the brain by the nature of the pressure upon these cells. The sensation recorded may be either of a pleasant or painful nature.

It is possible for man to interrupt his sense of feeling so that he will not receive notification of pain but by so doing he disrupts the machinery that guards him against destroying influences.

Pain is man’s protective agent. It gives him warning that some part of his body is out of order or is being attacked.

Pain is registered by feeling. One must not deny pain or forsake the part of the body that bears it. Help must be sent as quickly as possible in order to rectify the cause of the trouble.

The parts of the body which acquire the most feeling are the parts that are used the most frequently, such as the tips of the fingers, or the tip of the tongue, owing to the greater number of cells with menorgs and their receiving and transmitting mental instruments being located there.

The flesh of man has no feeling, so in order to prevent its destruction, unbeknown to him, mental transmission is extended to all parts of the body so that the menorgs can make known with pain where the flesh is being damaged.

If it were not for pain the flesh of man could rot away or be destroyed in many ways without him being aware of it.

However, there could be no pain in man if he would keep his physical and mental machinery working properly and side-step all outside influences of a detrimental nature.

Man can safeguard himself against pain by understanding the nature of his own machinery and learning how to exercise, rest and absorb his nourishment in proper proportions.

The mind is the center of feeling and if communication with any part of the body is stopped, that part has no power to move because it cannot be directed by the mind to do so.

For instance, if the mental channel which connects the foot with the spinal cord and brain is severed in the upper part of the leg, the foot not only cannot move but it could be cut to pieces without the mind becoming conscious of it, because, the line of communication that carries the impression to the brain is disconnected and therefore the mind receives no feeling from the foot.

That is proof that the flesh has no feeling and that man receives all pain, sorrow and gladness through the mental system and mind.

However, there could be no mind or mental system and consequently no feeling whatsoever if it were not for the establishment of the physical instruments that are made capable of harnessing and utilizing mentality for the purpose of directing the movements of man.

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