Lawsonomy, Volume 1



Every living formation has a center of Suction which causes cohesion and order within itself.

The heart is the center of Suction of man and the blood is kept in a swirl by the action of the heart.

Man has been taught that blood circulation is caused by a Pressure movement of the heart.

But the blood cannot be pushed through the body until it has first been drawn to the heart by Suction from all parts of the body.

Neither can the heart push this blood back through the body again after it has been drawn to it by Suction unless at the terminals of every current there is a Suction point to attract it.

The heart would become stagnated instantly if it were not for the innumerable Suction points scattered all over the system.

There must be a Suction point at the end of each blood current that permits the blood to be drawn into space of lesser density.

This space and Suction is created by the action of the part moved which in turn draws the blood toward and into it.

When movement is discontinued by any part of the body, action stops and no Suction takes place so that no blood is drawn there and therefore growth and sustenance ends.

That part of man which is moved the most will create the most Suction and draw into it the largest quantity of blood.

Drawing blood to a part by increased Suction not only feeds the cells there but tends to increase their number that causes the growth of new tissue, for cells will continue to extend themselves as long as space, Suction and nourishment are provided.

The little forms of life that populate the human cells will continue their activity as long as the body continues its activity if they are properly nourished.

So there must be a demand for blood throughout the system and a combined pull from all directions or the heart could not push the blood along at all.

The internal swirl of man goes on as long as the Suction points are maintained and the heart is not injured by sudden or excessive strain.

Those Suction points cannot be maintained unless the body is balanced in harmony with Equaeverpoise.

The internal swirl of the blood of man makes up a marvelous system of currents running in all directions through tubes of different proportions.

This system consists of two complete sets of tubes varying in size that run to and from the heart to all parts of the body.

These tubes taper in size as they spread out further away from the heart. They remind one of a great river dividing into smaller rivers with different branches divided into streams and brooks.

One set of tubes—the arteries—enclose the blood currents that move the food and oxygen to the cells that make up the entire system. The other set of tubes—the veins—enclose the currents of blood that carry the waste matter from the cells that is thrown out of the system by the operation of the lungs.

These tubes also remind one of a city water system whereby pure water is drawn from a lake and is pumped into large central pipes which pass into smaller street pipes and into still smaller house pipes and finally the water is drawn out at a Suction point into lesser density, air, through a faucet. That is the artery plan.

Then after the water reaches the houses which can be compared to the cells of the human system and it is used for washing bodies, clothes, dishes and the floors and walls of the house, and its vitality has been used up, the waste matter is then carried through another set of pipes running from the bath tub and kitchen sink to a larger set of street pipes that empty into a still larger central pipe that finally empties the whole mass of water with its collections of civic impurities back into the lake again. That is the plan of the veins.

The blood contains about one-twelfth of the weight of the body and is watery substance called plasma. In the currents of this plasma are carried two kinds of corpuscles, one red and one white.

In the blood of a healthy person there should be about 300 red corpuscles to one white corpuscle. There are as many as five million red corpuscles to each drop of blood. That is why the blood appears red in color.

The red corpuscles are the oxygen carriers and when the blood passes through the lungs they take a supply of oxygen and carry it to some cell of the body that needs it. When completely loaded with oxygen these red corpuscles give the blood a rich scarlet hue.

The white corpuscles, which are transparent with a slight bluish shade, have a very important work to perform.

Although the red corpuscles are held to the blood currents the white corpuscles are able to penetrate the walls of the tubes and move about freely among the muscles and tissues drawing into themselves such substances or living particles as would cause disorder unless eliminated from the system.

The heart is a pear shaped organ stationed in the chest a little below the neck and mostly on the left side.

The heart, with the lungs almost fill the thoracic cavity which is separated from the abdomen by a thin muscle partition called the diaphragm upon which the smaller and lower part of the heart rests.

The heart is hollow with a wall dividing it lengthwise into two parts which in turn have a partition running crosswise making altogether four cavities within it.

The two upper cavities of the heart are known as the auricles and the two lower cavities are the ventricles. There is a valve between the right auricle and the right ventricle and the left auricle and left ventricle but no opening whatever between the right and left sides of the heart.

The purpose of the heart is first, to create a center of Suction so that all substances of the body may be drawn together into a cohesive and organized mass; second, to create an internal Pressure that will distribute substances throughout the body and maintain an equal internal Pressure to offset external atmospheric Pressure; and third, to keep the blood in a constant and orderly swirl so that new living matter may be drawn in and distributed to all parts of the system, and waste matter carried out of the body through the different avenues of exit.

The heart is an Automatic stabilizer of the internal movement of man. This internal movement is maintained by a pumping action of Suction and Pressure which expands and contracts the muscular walls of the heart.

The blood is first drawn into the heart by Suction and then squeezed out of it again by Pressure.

The blood is drawn into the heart and squeezed out again about seventy times every minute in the average adult although in children it moves at a faster rate.

The blood comes through the veins to the heart and passes from the heart through the arteries.

As the heart expands, the blood filled with impurities is drawn into the right auricle from the large veins running to the head and body which fill up both the right auricle and right ventricle and then as it contracts this impure blood is forced by Pressure into the Pulmonary artery through which it passes to the lungs to be purified.

The revitalized blood is drawn back through the pulmonary veins to the left auricle and left ventricle from which it is forced through the large artery—the aorta—and into the smaller arteries and capillaries throughout the system.

Pressure is greater on the left side of the heart than on the right side, because the left ventricle has to contract with sufficient power to send the pure blood to all parts of the body while the right ventricle has only to contract with enough force to send the impure blood to the lungs, which are situated nearby. So the walls of the left ventricle have grown heavier and stronger through added exercise than those of the right ventricle.

The heart is the most powerful instrument of the system and it could go on working indefinitely if all other functions were maintained in an orderly way.

The heart works and rests alternately and never passes a minute without taking a rest after each movement.

The heart takes about three-tenths of a second in movement and about four-tenths of a second at rest. So it takes more time for rest than it does for work.

The time required for the SHIFT between REST and WORK is about three-tenths of a second after each beat.

Therefore, if the heart rests four-tenths of a second after each beat and it beats seventy times during each minute the aggregate quantity of rest it takes would be approximately eleven hours a day. So in order to balance the body with the action of the heart the aggregate time taken each day for rest by the body should approximate eleven hours. The more often the body is exercised and relaxed the better it will be for it.

With each beat of the heart there is forced through the arteries a wave of blood and these waves make the pulse.

The Pulse is most noticeable at the wrist where the artery passes very close to the surface of the skin.

The aorta is the large artery of the system and connects with the left ventricle and leads to the main branches which go to the body and head.

These branches or tubes are divided again and again into smaller branches or tubes and finally become so small that they cannot be seen by man without the use of a microscope. These minute tubes are capillaries from which the cells draw their oxygen and nourishment from the blood.

After the blood has discharged its cargo of life-giving materials to the different cells and is reloaded with waste matter it is then drawn back to the heart again through the veins which act as the sewer pipes of the system. (Except one vein running from the lungs to the heart.)

So the entire blood swirl is maintained by the action of the heart caused by Suction and Pressure.

The temperature of the blood of a normal person is about 98 degrees F., and is not affected in the interior of the body no matter what the outside weather conditions register.

If the body becomes too warm from exercise, the blood moves toward the skin to be cooled; and if the body lacks heat the blood vessels contract and the blood is drawn inwardly away from the skin.

The more the body is exercised the greater number of Suction points are moved and the faster the blood is drawn through the system.

The faster the blood moves the more oxygen is drawn into it through the lungs and the more fuel and oxygen are united which causes a greater supply of heat to the body.

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