Lawsonomy, Volume 1



It requires power to move the body and this power as well as heat is caused by uniting oxygen with the digested fuel foods that cause oxidation. The carbon dioxide, or, waste matter that follows must then be thrown out of the system quickly or stagnation and death would result.

Drawing oxygen into the blood and squeezing the carbon dioxide out of it is accomplished by respiration, which is caused by Suction and Pressure.

For this purpose a passageway from the nostrils to the lungs has been provided, through which currents of air are drawn to the lungs and currents of waste gases are forced back into the air.

Air can also pass through the mouth to the throat, trachea and lungs, but breathing through the mouth develops ailments that are injurious.

If the mouth is used for breathing, the nostrils are then denied their natural functions and will become impaired or useless.

Mouth breathing develops throat and lung ailments by allowing cold air and dust to pass directly into them. Whereas the air is warmed by the nose before it reaches the throat and its moistened walls, narrow windings, and hairs catch the dust and stop it from going any further.

After the air passes the throat it enters the trachea, which is held open by a number of cartilage rings, at the upper end of which is situated the larynx.

Inside the larynx are the vocal cords which, when moved by Pressure force therefrom the substance sound.

Through development and control of the vocal cords man is able to combine sounds and has created a language of many thousands of words with which he records thoughts and impressions for following generations to be guided by.

From the larynx the trachea goes in a straight course through the neck to the chest where it divides into two branches, one of which enters each lung.

There are two lungs—one on each side of the chest. They are like a pair of elastic bags and become inflated when Suction draws air into them and deflated when Pressure squeezes it out.

The tubes leading from the trachea into the lungs divide into small branches like the limbs of a tree and then again divide and subdivide until they reach the outermost twigs and finally empty into the minute Suction points called air chambers.

The combined power from simultaneous action of countless minute Suction points draws into and expands the lungs with air. The combined power caused by a simultaneous squeezing movement of the Pressure points causes the lungs to contract again and throw out whatever waste gases they have drawn from the blood.

The pulmonary artery which encases the blood current that flows from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs is divided and subdivided into smaller tubes that lead to the minute capillaries which form a net around the air chambers.

The walls between the capillaries and air chambers are composed of such substances and in such a way that gases only can penetrate them.

When the right ventricle of the heart contracts and forces the impure blood through the pulmonary artery and into the capillaries surrounding the air chambers, and the carbon dioxide gases that are brought from the cells of the entire system by the corpuscles are passed into the air chambers they are then squeezed out of the lungs by Pressure in currents running through the trachea, throat and nostrils.

Then, when the left auricle of the heart expands, Suction draws the blood back to the heart again and the corpuscles which have exchanged their cargoes of impure gases for pure oxygen are forced by Pressure through the left ventricle to all parts of the body.

It is a simple principle—Suction and Pressure, causing expansion and contraction. There are only two movements—draw in and squeeze out; still there could be no life in the universe without it.

It is when man loses the power to draw within in equal ratio to that which is squeezed out of him that decomposition takes place and little by little he gradually caves in and is squeezed to death by external pressure.

If, however, man would retain a power of Suction equal to that of Pressure and remain in harmony with Equaeverpoise he could go on living indefinitely.

The lungs are encased in the chest and are closed in front and back, at the sides and on top by the ribs, backbone, muscles and skin and at the bottom by the diaphragm. There is no opening except through the trachea.

With each inhalation of air the muscles of the diaphragm shorten, pulling it downward, thus enlarging the space in the chest to make room for the inflated lungs. This space is further enlarged by the movement of the ribs upward and outward by the muscles which surround them.

With the exhalation of air the muscles relax and fall into their first position while the diaphragm also relaxes and is pushed upward into its former position by the abdominal organs which have been compressed by the inhalation movement.

The lungs of the average adult hold approximately 350 cubic inches of air and when the body is at rest changes about 30 cubic inches of air with each breath.

This shows that only a small portion of air in the lungs is changed when the body is relaxed and only about one-sixth of a man's lung capacity is used.

In order, therefore, to keep the lungs in good condition a larger portion of their capacity must be used each day. This can only be accomplished by vigorous exercise of the entire body which causes a rapid Suction and Pressure movement that causes the air to flow in and out of the lungs more rapidly and in greater quantities and gives to each little air chamber a full supply of oxygen and at the same time casts out all lurking carbon dioxide that poisons the system.

Frequent deep breathing movements, therefore, are necessary for the preservation and power of the lungs.

But this deep breathing must be forced upon the lungs by the muscles of the whole system and not by merely deep breathing exercises.

Deep breathing that is not forced by muscular movement of the whole body may have a beneficial effect occasionally but if the muscles of the chest should be relied upon altogether for this purpose other muscles of the body would be thrown into disuse and become weakened.

The length of man's life depends upon the weakest organ. Longevity demands that all organs be kept strong.

The healthiest pair of lungs would be useless if the heart failed to work. The strongest heart would fail if the trachea would not function.

Running, is one of the very best exercises to make all muscles of the body work and cause deep breathing.

When man runs it forces the muscles of his feet, legs, hips, abdomen, back, shoulders, neck, head, arms and hands into general action that makes necessary combined power that requires the burning up of much internal fuel.

The consumption of additional fuel means the demand for additional oxygen. So in order to supply it quickly the heart is called upon to draw in and squeeze out more quickly the blood that carries the oxygen to the muscle cells in order to oxidize the digested food.

As the blood flows faster through the arteries with more oxygen and back through the veins with the waste gases it forces the lungs to increased action to supply the oxygen needed and for that reason the lungs expand and contract more rapidly causing deep breathing in the natural way.

The center of Suction or pull in man is located about the center of weight and the center of gravity.

The Earth's Suction or pull tends to draw the weight of man downward and this pull must be offset by the pull of man's Suction in the opposite direction in order that he can stand up straight, balance himself and move about.

This balance cannot be maintained if the diaphragm is allowed to sag downward towards the abdomen through the pull of the Earth's Suction and the push of weight above it.

This tendency can be checked in a large measure by man constantly drawing the muscles of the chest upward by exercise and deep breathing practices.

The diaphragm must be kept firmly in place and the circumference of man's waist line kept at its minimum proportions by internal Suction and Pressure movements of the lungs and the proper quality and quantity of food drawn into the stomach.

As the diaphragm loses its strength and sags below its normal line of balance, through lack of exercise by internal Suction and Pressure, the top part of the body of man begins to droop or stoop and is gradually drawn downward toward the center of the Earth's Suction until finally he can no longer stand upright and he passes away.

This same principle applies to the life of a tree or other plant. When the Suction power of a tree or other plant cannot pull upward to equalize the downward pull of the Earth's Suction it droops toward the center of the Earth.


The utilization of intelligence in concentrated form makes constructiveness.

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