Benefactor — Champions at Skinning the People, by Alfred Lawson — Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - Next

ple now, so later they will make the people whip the politicians and then when they do that the financiers will put in America their hand­picked Dictator and the American Form of Government will pass away forever.
    The financiers are also going to get rid of the Civil Police and put boys with bayonets in their places. They can hire these unmarried boys for $30.00 a month and barracks, while a married Policeman requires at least $200.00 per month to enable him to support a wife and family de­cently. They have begun to throw mud at the police all over the American Conti­nent in their newspapers, magazines, pictures and radio in order to set the people against them.
    It must be understood that the mastodon financiers are few in number and could not steal a nation unless they can stir up strife and hatred among the people and then make them whip themselves. They make them tie each other in a web so tight that they cannot get away from it.
    This dastardly state of affairs has now almost reached a climax in the United States of Amer­ica and unless the people understand the un­der­lying methods of the swindlers and stop them from going any further it will only be a short time before this land of the free, will be under complete subjection and a military dic­tator with sword in belt and boys with bayo­nets to take the place of the civil police will run this country as they are now running several Eu­ropean countries in which the people have bow­ed down to their dictators and have lost forever their freedom of speech, freedom of as­sem­bly, freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom of a voice in the management of their affairs and freedom of everything that is de­cent and honest.
    There is but one reason why these mastodon swindlers have not yet put a Dictator in Amer­ica; that is, they cannot agree among them­selves which one should superintend the skin­ning of the people. They are in perfect accord concern-

ing their inalienable rights to skin the people, but cannot agree as to which one should boss the job.
    Every one of these mastodon swindlers knows perfectly well that whichever one they allot this extraordinary power to will ultimate­ly steal what they have themselves, and so they are having an inside quarrel to see who will gain the supreme authority to skin and rule everybody. They are afraid of each other and that is all that has kept the American peo­ple from having a dictator be­fore now.
    The financiers have miseducated the people of this country to such a deplorable low state of intelligence that they actually whoop and yell in praise of the slickers who skin them. It is the most ludicrous as well as the most ter­rible state of affairs that the human race could possibly en­tangle itself into.
    These mastodons have control of all political parties. Some have control of one party and some have control of two or more parties. So no matter which way one votes he votes for a financier. There is no party that can prove that the fi­nan­cier's money does not go to help it influence the people to accept the interest col­lecting swindle whereby the people are de­frauded out of their properties and are permit­ted to retain but a small percentage of their earning power.
    The big slickers are so tricky that they have their touts tell the people that they are against the financiers and every one of them broad­casts with great gusto that they are going to chase the mon­ey changers out of the temple. Each financier who controls a political party thinks that is one of their best foolers.
    But while they all claim that they are going to chase the money changers out of the temple, not one of them can be found who will tell the people to Abolish Interest and drive all of the tribute collectors out of America.
    They will tell you that the interest charges should be reduced or that usury should be stop-

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