Benefactor — Champions at Skinning the People, by Alfred Lawson — Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - Next

    Another trick is to pretend that the interest bearing indebtedness of this country is only forty-five billion dollars—yes, only forty-five billion dollars. That amount is only the Federal indebtedness. They do not men­tion anything about the different states' in­debt­ed­ness, the different counties' indebtedness, the dif­fer­ent municipalities' indebtedness, nor the enor­mous private indebtedness that the people must pay in­terest on to the financiers which altogether totals more than three hundred bil­lions of dollars and more than ten times as much as the Federal indebtedness of forty-five billions of dol­lars which they tell you about generally. They do not say much of anything about the interest bearing indebtedness on railroads, air­lines, boat lines, trolley lines, buildings, mines and all sorts of real estate transactions, all of which runs up to more than three hundred billion dollars of interest bear­ing indebtedness that the people must pay and which is in­creasing in leaps and bounds with every tick of the clock.
    While the American people have been lulled into a deep sleep by the touts of the financiers who pretend that they are the friends of the people and who make the people believe that this interest collecting swindle is all right, it is my duty to wake them up and point out to them that this country is now in an insolvent con­dition and cannot meet their indebtedness ac­cording to this swindling interest collecting game. According to American law these swind­lers can anytime now declare this country in a state of bankruptcy.
    It was estimated in 1928, when times were supposed to be good, that the aggregate wealth of the American people totaled approximately four hundred billions of dollars. Since that time three hundred billion dollars of that wealth pas­sed into the hands of the financiers. This leaves less than one hundred billion dol­lars worth of wealth distributed among the one hundred and

thirty million people of America today.
    So, as the American people owe three hun­dred billion dollars to the financiers in interest bearing in­debtedness and only have among them one hundred billion dollars in tangible wealth, it can readily be understood that the financiers have the power to foreclose on the people of America and take away from them the remaining one hundred billion dollars worth of wealth that they think they own as payment for the indebtedness.
    In reality the people of the United States owe three times more than they are able to pay with the wealth they possess. Therefore, they must meet this indebtedness by turning over their remaining property to the financiers. And after that they will still owe a continua­tion of interest bearing indebtedness that will pile up to moun­tainous proportions which they and their chil­dren and children's children will have to try and pay with their future earnings.
    The man who owns a farm, the man who owns a home, the man who owns a store, or the man who owns a factory, must give up those farms, homes, stores and factories to the financier to pay this indebtedness. They are forced to do this by having to pay more taxes, still more and higher taxes, and still more and higher taxes until every American Manufacturer, Mer­chant, Farmer, In­ven­tor and Working Man or Woman have been defrauded out of every piece of property that they think they own.
    Nice game for the American people to get mix­ed up in, eh?
    The people of America do not know what this depression is all about nor how they are being swindled out of all of their property and earn­ings and how eventually they will be made into a slave race that will stagger under the burden of unpayable future interest for centuries to come.
    There is a good reason why the people cannot understand these things and that is because the financiers control every avenue of publicity and, of course, will not permit them to learn how this

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