


Man is a combination of cells knit together as a single body.

Each cell is a self-acting formation, but, through connection and co-operation with many other cells it gains solidification and power.

To the enlarged eye of man these cells are microscopic. His magnifying orbs have too great a range to see them. They reflect formations of a greater sphere than that in which the menorgs live.

This extensive combination of cooperative cells working together as a man is the result of millions of years of consecutive efforts in adding and moulding them together after innumerable improvements over the original design.

These cells are the homes of the menorgs who live within a lesser sphere, scope and density than man. They are constructed and operated in accordance with the special work each must perform.

They cooperate and concentrate and synchronize so perfectly that every organ and muscle of the body works together harmoniously under the governing direction of the mind.

Each cell performs its own special work and utilizes such quantities and qualities of the elements needed to build up and operate that particular function that it is connected with.

Adding billions of cells together and making them work as a complete machine was a wonderful achievement in itself for the menorgs to accomplish but by building a microscopic model of man as seed and then making him grow from the size of a menorg to the size of a man and bringing him up from a lesser scope, sphere and density to a greater scope, sphere and density was not only a master mechanical performance but it was a sublime invention indeed.

Such superb manifestations by the menorgs in addition to their marvelous cooperative labors in which hundreds of billions of living, thinking microscopic beings work together for a single purpose should be an inspiration for man to emulate. It should make him realize what he could do himself if he would but eliminate his petty piggish cravings and live according to the principles upon which he was founded and is operated.

To stride beyond the grotesque myths and theoretical nonsense that has been jammed into man’s cranium during the past few thousand years, however, requires great strength of character and courage by the individual of the future.

The cells are the foundation of the body and they combine into tissues, which make up, hold together, and connect the different fibers, muscles, bones and organs thereof.

The substances which maintain the cells are prepared by various organs which dissolve solid matter into liquid and gaseous forms and mix them together for assimilation.

From the time the food enters the mouth of man until it reaches the cell, it is drawn along various currents by the power of suction. From the time waste gases leave the cells until they are thrown out of the mouth, nostrils or other orifices or pores, they are pushed along in currents by the power of pressure.

Drawing elements to any part of the body by suction not only feeds the cells but by increased action caused by exercise, additional space can be developed with lesser density to draw into it substances with which to create new cells.

New cells add to the growth of the tissue which will continue to extend itself as long as action, space, suction and nourishment are provided.

The cells of man are distinct formations. They are little worlds in themselves with centers of suction and pressure and currents and formations moving about within them in every direction. They are populated with as many different kinds of minute living creatures as the Earth is populated with different animal species.

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