


If a man should say that there are one hundred billion menorgs in him, he would probably underestimate the number of these tiny creatures that run his machinery for him. Perhaps there are more than one hundred billions of them within his brain alone.

If those unknown numbers of menorgs would leave your body it would fall to the ground like a dead chunk of putty. After all that is about what your physical body amounts to; it is a chunk of matter molded together from different densities into a workable machine. The menorgs are the only things in it that make it work.

Furthermore, these menorgs that are so small that they cannot be seen through a microscope, not only build, repair and operate you, but they do all of your thinking for you also.

From the tips of your hairs to the ends of your toe-nails, these menorgs are working like slaves to keep you in action.

In size, these menorgs compare with your body as your body compares with the earth or solar system.

But, although these menorgs are so small that you cannot see them, still you are not so large that they cannot see you.

Every time you look into the mirror, the menorgs, that do your thinking, see you. And, they are not so proud of you either, especially if you are a cheat, liar or hypocrite.

When the menorgs built man they made everything connected with him proportionate with the sphere in which he operates. His eyes were made like great magnifying glasses to see proportionately everything within his scope.

The menorgs have eyes to see things within their scope but when they want to see things of greater scope they look through magnifying instruments set in front of the heads of their machines which man calls eyes.

The menorgs built the eye in the shape of a ball which they fitted into a socket.

The front portion of the eye-ball is exposed and can be covered by eye-lids passing over it—one from above and one from below.

When closed the eye-lids keep the eye clean and moist as well as protecting it.

The eye is washed by tears which come from a lachrymal gland located above the eye on the side away from the nose.

The tears clean the eye by flowing down over it to the inner edge where they enter the lachrymal duct leading to the cavity inside of the nose and finally pass to the throat and are swallowed.

Although the ordinary moisture passing over the eye-ball is almost imperceptible to man still it appears as a large body of water to the menorgs.

The menorgs built the eye-ball to move in several directions by the contracting and expanding movement of muscles which they attached to it from all sides.

In the interior of the eye-ball they built a dark chamber which lets in light from the front side only and at the point where the light is let in there is a lens and at the rear of the eye-ball is a sensitive surface known as the retina.

Between the retina and the front of the eye, the menorgs filled the space with a transparent liquid through which light penetrates after entering the opening in the front known as the pupil. The transparent lens located inside of the pupil is so arranged that the direction of the rays of light is changed so that they come together at the rear of the eye, thereby producing an image upon the retina of objects from which light is reflected.

Large numbers of menorgs located within the retina then transmit pictures of these objects through mental fibers to the directing forces in the brain.

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